piercing soulful eyes through hands and light

Finding Comfort Within Chronic Illness

Reiki healer Jennifer Haydock Specialist HealerOnline OnlyBadge

Sarah Van Dyk

Finding Comfort Within Chronic Illness

Sarah’s Tools & Modalities:

Reiki, Energy Healing, Intuitive Reading, Chronic Illness & Disability Support

Expertise: Comfort from chronic illness

Sarah specializes in helping her clients find comfort within their chronic illness

How you can work with her at this time

Sarah is available through chronic illness/disability support meetings, Reiki, and intuitive healing. You can book a reiki session with her directly below or set up a free call to discuss what longer term support might look like.

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Discovery Session

(Free, on the phone)

Sarah’s Schedule

About Sarah Van Dyk | In Sarah’s words

Sarah’s Journey

Sarah knows what you are going through in the tough journey of chronic illness and disability, she really does. At the end of her undergrad during a time for many people is a great transition, Sarah’s world was turned upside down. One day she was walking and the oddest sensation of numbness, tingling, out of body floating, and generally feeling unwell came over her. In that moment her sister said she looked like a ghost. This began the frustrating, fierce, and unending journey of determining her chronic illnesses. It had been already 5 years of random, and some times debilitating, symptoms appearing in her life before this undergrad experience. This ending her Masters in Neurology prematurely and dashed Sarah’s dreams of going to medical school. Fast forward to today and Sarah is now in her tenth year of this chronic health journey. The weird and random symptoms still continue, the hunt for a solid underlying problem is still occurring, and Sarah still continues to mark getting out of bed each day a celebration.

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The bouncing between doctors appointments, the chaos of the beginning of the search, the invasion of you body for multiple procedures and tests, the agony of waiting for results from the doctor, and the loneliness of being unwell, Sarah has been through it all. There are moments when it is hard to separate the illness and your sense of self; the hatred of your own body and trying hard to not blame yourself for cancelling with friends; this took Sarah many years to sort out and find ways of learning to love herself again. Sarah wants to help you get through these stages easier and with the support of someone who knows what it feels like to have chronic illnesses/disabilities and has been through this journey.

Sarah has been in the mud of this chronic illness journey: from having depression, friends abandoning her, the sense of longing to belong, the never ending tests, the disappointment of being told “everything looks fine to me” from doctors, and the exhaustion of symptoms and simply being ill every day. She gets it and wishes to help you through this journey. One of the toughest parts of the journey for Sarah was not having a peer that understood what a person goes through in chronic illness, to help her through the unknowns, disappointments, and small victories. Currently, Sarah is diagnosed with Lyme Disease and its many co-infections, chronic fatigue, and experiences many more symptoms that have not been diagnosed.

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Relief has come in many forms and not just from Western medicine. Once most of western medicine procedures had been tried, Sarah moved towards more holistic healing (but granted she still takes medications). The holistic healing caused her to drastically change her diet (so many allergies) and to start working with supplements. This did help but once again could not continue to bring more relief. Once Sarah settled into her supplement and diet routine, she once more turned to something else, and this was energy healing. Sarah had never heard about this, and to be honest was very skeptical about it. With this skeptic attitude she went to her first energy healing session and was throughly surprised when it made a difference! Through this teacher, Sarah learned to work with energy. From starting with energetic boundaries to protect herself, to using Reiki on herself and others, and finally adding in intuitive healing into her healing tool kit. It still surprises Sarah how much energy healing has made a difference in her life and she would like to introduce that to you!

Here’s your next steps:

Support is one of the greatest necessities in chronic illness/disability. Sarah would like to support you through chronic illness/disability support meetings, Reiki, and intuitive healing.

Book your sessionwith Sarah